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Microsoft Surface: Table Top Technology

Did you ever watch the movie Minority Report? Remember the screen where Tom Cruise was using his hands to manipulate the screen and move things around? Well this technology doesn’t seem to be very far in the future, in-fact Microsoft has something very similar they have been developing for a while now; Microsoft Surface.

MS  Surface Logo

I heard about it while listening to a local radio station here in Vancouver, so I went to check out Microsoft’s website about their new toy. It is a pretty neat concept; I mean to not have to use a mouse and keyboard? It seems like a giant (really expensive) graphic tablet but would fit in a house with a modern type décor.

Currently I could see this being used in bars. Image sitting around a sleek black table with a bunch of your friends and all of a sudden you notice your drink is empty. What do you do? You order a new one, except you don’t see the waitress anywhere near. Look to the table! You touch the table top, browse through the selection of drinks and slide your choice towards the Order section. Voila! The bartender receives your order and within minutes (hopefully) your waitress drops off your drink!

MS  Surface - Bar Possibility

Looking at the videos on Microsoft’s website it looks like (for the time being) that the MS Surface is like a large expensive graphics tablet since you can use it for painting or go through your photos (which can be uploaded from a camera with Bluetooth) and use your finger tips to manipulate them.

MS Surface - Look its pretty

Do I see a future in a product like this? Sure! Will Microsoft send me one so that I can play with it? Probably not because Microsoft probably doesn’t know I exist and if they did, would they send me one of these tables (probably going to retail for like $8,000->$10,000) to play around with?

I’m just glad that there are people out there that are ‘thinking outside the box’.

What do you think? Will this type of technology become something useful? Is it really just a big touchscreen?

**Updated: Found another video that demonstrates the MS Surface in real time.

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