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Make Beautiful Photo Collages from your Pictures with Microsoft AutoCollage

Though you can make collages with picasa, the results are no match for what you’ll get from AutoCollage 2008, a new collage making software from Microsoft that also includes face detection.

Using AutoCollage 2008 is so easy – just pick an image folder that has 7 or more images and the program will do the rest. See this 30 second video screencast to know how all this works:

The most impressive part of AutoCollage is the built-in face detection that will prevent faces in the photographs from being obscured in the final collage. During my test with some 9 pictures, AutoCollage could successfully detect the face in every picture.

Microsoft AutoCollage is available for Vista & XP but there’s a downside – the software isn’t free ($20) and the 30-day trial will add a very prominent watermark at the bottom of your image collages.

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